(865) 229-3709

To my Oregon patients:

I hope this finds you well.


You might remember that I told you in 2021 that the Oregon Medical Board was investigating me for prescribing ivermectin for covid treatment.  That investigation brought me on the Board’s radar, and the matter is still not closed.


The ongoing and relentless attention by the OMB has been causing a huge financial burden in the course of the last 2.5 years and also chronic stress for me.  It has finally led me to the difficult decision to give up my OR medical license by January 6, 2025.  I will not be able to provide medical advice in Oregon after this date.


You will remember that I previously advised you to seek out a local doctor in OR for ongoing care when I moved my practice to TN in spring of 2023.  I am now renewing this advice with the greatest urgency.   Alternative solutions may be found with the following entities:




Naturally, all unused funds from membership payments will be reimbursed asap, at the latest by the above date.  If you have any questions about reimbursement, please notify Darcy at the Thrive Clinic front desk.


I will approve any medication refills for prescriptions issued by myself requested before January 6, 2025 as deemed appropriate for the transition time.

If you are taking LDN I will renew your Rx one more time to cover the transition.  Anyone looking for a new provider to continue their LDN prescription thereafter can find that information here:




I am very sorry that I have to do this and wish you well.

Medical records will be available for at least 7 years as legally required. Access to the patient portal will continue for the foreseeable future but with the secure messaging feature turned off at a date to be determined yet.



Dr. Frank Sievert


All Patients: 
Please enter all vaccines recieved over the previous three years under the "My Vaccine Record" tab of your Patient Portal.
We need to know as it will affect your treatment plan. Dr. Sievert does not recommend any of the available Covid vaccines for any patient at any age at this time.


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